About Us

Who Am I?

Howdy! The name is Tyler Rypcinski, you say the last name like (Rip-sin-ski) It can be tricky for some. I'm 19 years old from the Pittsburgh area in Pennsylvania. Ever since I was a little smaller I've always loved drawing and creating. I remember when I was younger I would cut out the cartoon characters that I drew from my favorite tv shows and play with them like toys. I really love sharing my art out there even if it's from a more serious piece to a silly one. 

What's Hare Hub about?

Whatever you want it to be really! You can take away with what you will from this sight. Maybe some of my ideas and art can be impowering to you as a member of the lgbtq+ community, maybe a cool find off the internet, as a gift for your friend's birthday, or even just a website to checkout.

What does Harehub Mean to me?

It's the proof of being able to create things from raw materials and be able to shape the idea into something new and fun. I want people to be able to have access to fun apparel/stickers/jewelry/etc. for a reasonable price. Additionally I want people to feel impowered with being able to have options for self expression.